Willful Republican Ignorance

There are different kinds of ignorance.  One is abject ignorance, simply not knowing the truth, perhaps because one is too lazy to find it out.  Another is willful ignorance, purposefully ignoring the truth for some other agenda.  And the latest contender for President, John Kasich, is willfully ignorant. 

As I've posted before, fighting global warming can be good for the economy.  And a great example of this is what has happened in Ohio where a program called Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) has created 25,000 jobs and spurred at least $1 billion in private sector investment. And

[i]n fact, in less than six years, Ohio’s RPS saved consumers roughly $230 million and dropped electricity rates by almost a percent and a half. The efficiency measures that were also frozen had saved ratepayers $1 billion, according to utility company filings. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the policies were supported by 70 percent of Ohioans.

But in spite of this great success, John Kasich cancelled this program.  What could have been the reason?  Willful ignorance?  Maybe, but people also are accusing him of doing this at the behest of the Koch Brothers in order to gain their approval for his run for President.


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