The Human Deluge

One of the consequences of global warming is migration.  We don't have to just look at increasing temperatures or sea levels to see what global warming is doing to us.  Two years ago, I noted the changes in migration. As of 2012 8 million people per year were fleeing their homes and risking death to find a new place to live.

A new report from the United Nations now puts that figure at 65 million,
More people are on the run than ever before in recorded history, the United Nations said in a report released Monday.
They include those fleeing marauders in South Sudan, drug gangs in Central America, and the Islamic State in the Iraqi cities of Mosul and Falluja. While most are displaced within their own countries, an unprecedented number are seeking political asylum in the world’s rich countries. Nearly 100,000 are children who have attempted the journey alone.
All told, the number of people displaced by conflict is estimated to exceed 65 million, more than the population of Britain.
That's an 800 percent increase from four years ago.  And there's no question that global warming is contributing to this through droughts and floods producing conflicts over resources.  Migration will be part of our new world just as do rising sea levels, droughts, floods, and temperatures.


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