An Amazing Discovery

There's no question our climate change situation is becoming desperate.  The most accurate models predict 5 degrees Celsius at the end of this century if we do nothing.  That's end of civilization. 

But now we have something happening, just the kind of thing that we need to avert the worst.  It exactly the kind of thing we need to happen. 

The discovery means that nanoscale generators have the potential to harvest power for electrical devices based on nanoscale movement and vibration: an engine, traffic on a roadway—even a heartbeat. It could lead to technology with applications in everything from sensors used to monitor the physical strength of structures such as bridges or pipelines, the performance of engines or wearable electronic devices. 
Liu said the applications are limited only by imagination.
We won't even need wind or solar power.  Electricity will be everywhere.  And everything will be running on electricity.  No fossil fuels. 

We need this as soon as possible.


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