Best Places To Be With Global Warming Happening

I've posted before about the Pacific Northwest as being where you want to be while the planet is threatened by global warming.  I'm getting support from the Chief Strategist, TFIE Strategy Inc., an editor of The Future is Electric:
The Future is Electric is the house journal of TFIE Strategy Inc, a firm which assists global clients to future proof themselves in our rapidly changing world of business and technical innovation, and geopolitical and climate disruption.
The article linked to provides a good summary of what we might expect much of which has been described in my posts to this blog.  Then he turns to assert where the best places to be are.  He names three locations on the planet, Chile, Poland, and, and...the Pacific Northwest


as I've believed all along.

Pacific Northwest — Northern coastal California, Oregon, Washington State and British Columbia. These places will typically see better weather than they see now: warmer in the summer and winter, more periodic rains than heavy clouds in the winter. They will get even less snow than they do now. They are very wet places typically, with good supplies of water. They are steep, so water rise isn’t as big a deal. As a downside, places like Whistler-Blackcomb which are already suffering with reduced snow will just get worse, so the economies will be in significant transition: don’t get into ski tourism. And as a second downside, even this year Seattle and Vancouver are experiencing a couple of weeks of bad air due to wildfires in the USA and the interior. It’s comparative however, as while the locals find the air challenging, the interior and some prairie cities are getting much worse air.
He's right about the bad air from Canadian wildfires. We did suffer from a month or so of very bad air, something we may have to expect each summer. Otherwise, it will be better to be here than anywhere because I'd rather be here than Chile or Poland.


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