81% Support Green New Deal

The global warming deniers are mocking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over her call for a Green New Deal, but those deniers are themselves in denial.  81% of American voters agree with her.  What is important to note is that even a majority of Republicans are in agreement.  
[The] new survey published by the climate change communication programs at Yale and George Mason University (GMU) reports “an increase in Republican understanding of the reality of human-caused global warming, worry about the threat, and support for several climate policies over the past 14 months.”

Republican members of Congress will have to realize that they are becoming out of touch with their own constituency.  

Four years ago I made a similar point, that we need to treat global warming as our Pearl Harbor, that we need to mount a Manhattan Project, but I like the term Green New Deal a lot better.  

Conservatives are upset about this proposal.  Their main objection is that it will expand the size and scope of government.  The problem here is that they don't fully appreciate what has to be done.  After Pearl Harbor everyone got behind a considerable increase in the size and scope of government to defeat the Axis Powers.  What they need to know is that with global warming we are confronting a far greater enemy than Adolf Hitler.  Someday they will know this, as Miami is overwhelmed by rising sea levels and New Orleans sinks into the Gulf.  Unfortunately even if then we are able to launch a Green New Deal, it will be too late to keep some serious consequences from happening.


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