The Partisan Divide
Sabrina Tavernise in an op-ed at the New York Times makes a good point, that the current partisan divide can be explained as tribal: Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at New York University, calls it the clash between globalists and nationalists. The globalists, who tend to be urban and college educated, want a world like the one described in John Lennon’s song “Imagine” — no religion, walls or borders dividing people. The nationalists see that as a vision of hell. They want to defend their culture and emphasize the bonds of nationhood — flag, Constitution, patriotism. They also want to limit immigration, an instinct that globalists are often quick to condemn as racist. This seems right to me, but as a person who regards global warming as the greatest looming threat to human civilization, I wonder why this divides us on global warming, but it does. For example, Doug Palen, a Midwest farmer who lives in a State populated by members of the nationalist tribe, and a fourth-g...