Republicans Getting Behind Climate Change Solution
Each of our carbon footprints are critical for the survival of our planet. I support all efforts to accomplish that. However, I don't believe that effort will win without an economic incentive. It is important that the true cost of carbon emissions be incorporated into our economy. I've posted numerous times about how to do that with a carbon dividend or tax. The Republican Party is responding to the impact the Democratic Party is having on this issue. I believe a Green New Deal is just as important , but the Republican Party is coming out in favor of a carbon dividend to forestall the Green New Deal. The Republican Party’s position on climate change is rapidly evolving, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) saying that we need conservative solutions and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) warning that the party ignores the issue at its own peril. Just Thursday, House Republican leadership, in its first polic...