What People Need To Do About Global Warming

There are a lot of things people need to do to reduce their carbon footprint, for example buying an electric powered car.  However, there is something more important than that:  We have to do something not directly connected to one's carbon footprint, we have to vote. 

One reason we are in the situation we're in right now is that

A ‘jaw-dropping’ 15 million super-environmentalists don’t vote in the midterms

The most important environmental effort you’ve probably never heard of — the Environmental Voter Project (EVP) — doesn’t talk about the environment much, if ever.
But that’s because talking about the environment isn’t the solution to perhaps the biggest solvable problem the environmental movement has: a lack of voters. There are 10 to 15 million so-called “super-environmentalists” who are registered to vote in this country, but generally don’t.

If they voted more consistently, it could change U.S. politics, as candidates from both parties would need to work to win their vote.
It turns out that some 15.8 million super-environmentalists were registered to vote in the 2014 midterm elections, but didn’t. Even in the 2016 presidential election, some 10.1 million didn’t vote — and remember, that election was decided by 77,000 votes in just three states.

These are “jaw-dropping” numbers says Stinnett. But that means they are also a jaw-dropping opportunity.
As I've posted before what has to be done to avoid catastrophe is a carbon tax.  There is only one way that is going to happen, people are elected to office who support efforts to avoid the worst of global warming.  Thus, our first priority is to elect people to office who will vote for a carbon tax.  In most cases this means unelecting Republicans and electing Democrats. 


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