Climate Migration

I've warned about climate migration before.  The second chapter of my novel, not yet completed, was going to be about the United States stationing machine guns at the border to fight off the immigrants.  I wish I had completed that chapter when I was working on the novel four years ago because it now looks prophetic.

The United Nations is warning about food supply.
The world’s land and water resources are being exploited at “unprecedented rates,” a new United Nations report warns, which combined with climate change is putting dire pressure on the ability of humanity to feed itself.
A particular danger is that food crises could develop on several continents at once, said Cynthia Rosenzweig, a senior research scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and one of the lead authors of the report. “The potential risk of multi-breadbasket failure is increasing,” she said. “All of these things are happening at the same time.”
 The result, they suggest, is serious migration. 
Some authors also suggested that food shortages are likely to affect poorer parts of the world far more than richer ones. That could increase a flow of immigration that is already redefining politics in North America, Europe and other parts of the world.

“People’s lives will be affected by a massive pressure for migration,” said Pete Smith, a professor of plant and soil science at the University of Aberdeen and one of the report’s lead authors. “People don’t stay and die where they are. People migrate.”

 The point is, we're going to see a lot more migration, not less, and our government, and the governments of Europe are not prepared for that. 


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