Study Warns Of Food Catastrophe
People don't like being told about future catastrophes. Actually they become inured by doomsaying religious sects who have been predicting the end of the world every few years for the last two thousand. Science is different. If science had been around when the Americas were discovered by Europeans, and there had been scientists studying disease in the New World, we might have been able to predict the tragic decimation of the New World inhabitants to disease, and prevented it. Science is a better predictor than religion. For example, the HIV plague. But science reacted and HIV is now subdued. Another prediction in the 1960's was the problem of the "population bomb," of being able to feed a soaring population, . Well science found a way out, the Green Revolution . But we are now onto a new level. There will be 8 billion people on this planet by 2050. And we don't know if science is going to come up with another s...